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Do You Have Bloated Stomach? Warning Signs You Should Never Ignore

Many people suffer from bloating. It can be very uncomfortable. Bloated stomach is a really common problem, and in most cases, when you overeat. But this is not always, there are many serious reasons for the swollen abdomen, it can be even cancer.
How would you make a difference, you should read the text that follows about 10 serious diagnoses for the bloated stomach.
Weight loss – When rapidly start losing weight, especially if you lose 10 % of body weight without drastic changes in daily diet or extreme physical activity, this you should take very seriously. Some time you feel full after intake a small amount of food that could be a sign of cancer or tumor secretion of some liquids which suppress appetite.
The existence of an obstruction made from scar tissue or a tumor is usually expressed with bloating, nausea and vomiting, accompanied by the sudden abdominal pain. It can lead to bowel perforation which can be fatal. With this symptom, you should immediately visit a doctor. Acute pains come in waves while obstructed bowel is trying to push all of the food and juices.


Ovarian cancer

Is the 5th most common cancer in women. It is with persistent bloating and pelvic pain.
Mostly exposed are women over 50 and as a risk factor is if they not having children or having them later in life, long-term hormone therapy and genetic predisposition to cancer.

Uterine cancer

the abnormal vaginal bleeding, vaginal discharge is watery and with blood, pain during sex or urination usually accompanied with pelvic pain.
Commonly known risk factors are long time taking estrogen supplements, radiotherapy, and genetic predisposition of colon cancer, Lynch Syndrome, or genetic history of uterine cancer.
Pancreatic cancer is with the highest death rate and it is known as one of the most aggressive.
The typical symptoms are poor appetite, weight loss, bloating, jaundice and upper abdominal pain, accompanied by diabetes.

Stomach cancer

The main reason and risk factor for stomach cancer are bacteria Helicobacter Pylori.
In the beginning, it doesn’t have any symptoms, but later it can be bloating, feeling of fullness in the upper abdomen and indigestion.
Sometimes when the later stage is diagnosed, symptoms can spread to weight loss and nausea.
Liver disease in the most of cases is benign.
Because, all blood is filtered through the liver, in some cases

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